Thursday, 26 February 2009

Internship Work 1 Week

My first week at work was exited. On the first day at I saw my mentor Shante she told prince to show me were I am going to work and presented me with the people that I am working with in the room. There are three people that I am working with Shaneequa and prince they treat me with respect and I treat them the same way. Shaneequa tell me the work and explain me how everything works, I start typping name on label and learn how to skip space that there were no stickers to print them out and they are very organizing. The folder that I put the name is as to be four different color of folder and they always use the same color that they start using. In the work we make a lot of copy but also they are trying to go green. And I also do some research about current event that could help the people of age of 10 to 18 that can’t control them self. This organization is create not only to help people from preventing crime and make them see the effect it could do to our community it also make you develop your career better and become and educated young adult. And I also type the time sheet to put present and absent for the kid who present or absent. Everybody is wonderful in there they have fun great laugh and always smiling or ask you how was your day my cru at lunch always have some good joke we laugh our ass off.

Thing that are very excited
The first day when I went out to get my lunch there were that old ladies she call me I went to her and she was like "I need to get to the store but I cant because I don’t have money" I was like ok am going to buy you something. And when we get to the store she went and ask the man to give her a pack of cigarette inside off my head I was, what the f**k is wrong with that old ladies she make me spent that much money for pack of cigarette $8.75. But I did buy it for her but I felt bad because I buy something for this ladies that could kill her and with my money to, because I only have $10 buck in my wallet. The best thing that happens in my second day was I participated on a youth court judgment. In the youth court there were a young kid that was the judge and others to decide the sentence and one was his lawyer and the other was defending the community. The kid has done judging him make him see what he did was wrong then give him 5 hour community service and make him write a letter to his mother saying that he is sorry for what he did. That was crazy how the kid handle the situation I was very impress. And they were watching a movie about the intergregation first black kid who went in a write school I see a little part of it then I went home. So to bad I can’t explain you the movie Ah ah ah ah. And there is a grown man called Albert he knows a lot of thing them it that old man is amassing he could be a history teaching. Guys ya should check him out he is darn good. My internship site rock.

1 comment:

Sean said...


Speaking of things "that rock", I would say that this first blog "rocks". You did an excellent job of sharing with the blog community all that you've been learning about so far. It really sounds like engaging work that you are doing in Red Hook. Keep up the good work and attentive learning.